Logo and youtube facebook instagramand tiktok intro

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Logo and youtube facebook instagramand tiktok intro

#Logo and youtube facebook instagramand tiktok intro | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Logo and youtube facebook instagramand tiktok intro Estado: Open Premio: $20 Propuestas recibidas: 4 Ganador destacado Resumen del concurso

O have a logo, but I want to rebramd my logo. I want the exacly format, but new colours and new background. And I also want an intro for youtube, instagram , facebook and tiktok. I do podcasts and I want something verry atractive and professional. On my Intro I want to have a space somewhere to give thanks to some companies that are sponsoring. Like: thank sto: English House www.luxhotel.ro Transilvania depo: www.transilvaniadepo.ro Terapie cu sare: www.terapiecusare ro. I have atached my logo. The black and white font letters in Logo I like. Bear in mind, i dont need the logo to be redesigned, only new colours in the font, new background, and maybe the earth in the logo to be coloured

Habilidades recomendadas After Effects Animaci贸n Dise帽o gr谩fico Dise帽o de logotipos Photoshop




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